Why do we travel? And, maybe more importantly, what do we bring back?


It seems like most travel videos are all about the place; what it’s like to be there. We had a simple hypothesis based on a clear objective. How can we bring new audiences into the brand by showing we aren’t just your average tour company? What if we point our cameras here, back home after people travel, to tell their story from a different point of view. We know that travel has the power to transform but just how much and in what ways? These are some of the many amazing stories our travelers come back home with.

These videos showcase the long form vignettes in their entirety. In addition, we created cut-downs for social, blog posts, emails, along with static content for various print campaigns.

Meet Mike

“I don’t want to be humdrum.” For some there is traveling to see the world, for Mike it’s about traveling to connect with it.


Meet Winter

“There’s a warmth that happens when you remember a really good story.” Sometimes you travel halfway around the world to realize you’re closer to home than you know.

Meet Karen

“I come back a little different from every trip, I think, because of my experiences. Traveling just opens your mind.” Sometimes the greatest thing you can discover when traveling is yourself.


EF Go Ahead Tours – Brand Photography


Collabatron – Staff Idea Incubator